Thanjavur Ponni Rice is Traditional Rice Variety Cultivated in Thanjavur Delta Districts. Organic Thanjavur Ponni Raw Rice is fine Variety of Thanjavur Delta. Thanjai Organic offering Ponni Raw Rice in Thiruvarur, Tamilnadu , India.
Thanjavur Ponni benefits
Ponni rice High Fiber Content. Thanjavur ponni rice Gluten Free.
ponni unpolished rice low Glycemic index.
Ponni rice lower Cholesterol. Ponni Rice has got more health Benefits.
Ponni rice is more beneficial for Diabetics.
Thanjavur Ponni helps to High Blood Sugar patients. And it has Unique Aroma. In Tamil literature the kaveri river is also called ‘Ponni’ .The rice is mostly cultivated along the banks of the kaveri in the Cities. Ponni Rice Rich in proteins, vegans also Eat ponni for their protein Strength. Ponni Rice is good dietary for Stomach upsets, and also Ponni rice is Suited for all Age Diets. Benefits of Thanjavur ponni rice Easily digested.
Thanjavur Ponni Rice Available in
Organic Thanjavur Ponni Rice is packed with health benefits. Thanjai Organics Farm offering Thanjavur Ponni Rice in Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Thanjai Organics Thanjavur Ponni Rice available in Chennai –Bangalore- Delhi-Mumbai and all Over India also Avaiable in USA -Shipping To -USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, UAE and Other Countries